
Krakerjak Logo - Grey Check Only


Krakerjak Logo - Grey Check Only


With several years of traditional, digital and analytical marketing, and sales under my belt, I launched, Krakerjak – a strategic marketing, sales, and analytics firm.

Krakerjak is about integrating a strategic marketing plan with a company’s sales efforts and measuring the results with analytics tools and an analytic strategy.

Why marketing, Sales, And Analytics...?

In my 15 years as a marketer, I have had the pleasure to work with a variety of organizations. I am committed to and passionate about bringing a higher level of ROI to the business I represent by utilizing my rare mix of business sense, marketing, salesmanship, and the deep understanding of data and analytics.

Successful businesses have synchronized business, marketing, and sales plans that are implemented with purpose. Smart owners know these important areas need to integrate rather than operate in silos and that the efforts need to be tracked and measured. That’s what Krakerjak is designed to provide: An integrated marketing, sales and trackable analytics approach to significantly improve ROI.

Krakerjak – (Crackerjack) a person or thing that shows marked ability or excellence. of marked ability; exceptionally fine. Noun – A person or thing that is remarkable, wonderful, superior, etc.

Marketing strategies developed and implemented for today’s multi-channel consumer.

Sales strategies challenging the status quo, moving the pipeline needle to achieve your goals.

Analytics, an organizations most powerful tool, when data is clear and demonstrates what matters.